Whatever you do, think of the Glory of God as your main goal. St John Bosco
Charles Johnston is a father and husband in Phoenix, Arizona. His conversion journey has taken years, as he felt God pulling him toward His Church but he
resisted until he couldn’t take it anymore. He gave in and fell in love with His Church. He blogs for ‘Now that I’m catholic.wordpress.com’. In this episode, I talk to Charles, about the Apostle Peter, his ministry and transformation from a fisherman to fisher of men.
In this episode, Pamela talks to Charles about St. John Bosco.
He speaks about:
-How Don Bosco’s own brush with poverty led to his ministry for the young?
-How vocations do start young
– The service of John Bosco to the youth ministry
Don Bosco is considered the “Friend of the Youth.” His lifelong mission was to serve the poor youth. He started the Salesian society whose main focus today is education and training the youth from schools technical schools, to colleges, orphanages and technical schools, the Salesian community works tirelessly for the young.
If you’re a parent whose considering schools please look closely at a Salesian school as they begin faith formation early. If you want to read more about John Bosco, here’s a book that you might enjoy.