66 The Power of Praise

I’m in awe of the the fact, that God holds me into being.

Lyn Mettler

Who is Lyn Mettler?

Lyn Mettler

Lyn Mettler is a 30+ year nonbeliever who never would have dreamed she’d be looking at herself as a Catholic and passionately so! All she can say is “never say never.” I’ve learned that again and again!

She’s a wife and mother of two school-age boys, who lives in the lovely little village of Zionsville near Indianapolis. Lyn describes herself a Butler Bulldog who writes about travel for many national media outlets and shows others how to fly their families almost entirely free, we do on, on her blog, www.gototravelgal.com.

Lyn came to Catholicism in 2011 after being married to a nonpracticing Catholic for 10+ years. She had never had a shred of interest — and in fact was averse to it — until she began to feel a faint desire to go to the local Catholic church. It only grew from there! You can find out more about her at her website.

The Power of Praise

In this episode, we talk to Lyn Mettler about the importance of praising God. She talks about:
i. What does it mean to praise God? How is it different from thanksgiving?
ii. Why does He want us to praise Him?
iii. What power is there in praising God?
iv. What steps can we take to praise God in our a) our prayer life and b) in our everyday life?

Praise Always

I asked Lyn to talk to us after I read her post on praise. Lyn does explain how praise puts us in a right position with God. I love how she mentions, that despite how hard it is that we should praise God even during the difficult times. Simply because God has a plan and she mentions the surrender novena to simply offer everything up to God. This is a beautiful novena. Its an act of surrender where you give everything to God in trust, knowing that He will make everything work in due time.

She also encourages us to offer up our day to the Lord and thank God for all the “coincidences.” Keep a gratitude journal and document all the miracles in your life. At the end of the day, examine your day for all the good and look to the future for new opportunities to praise Him. She also talks about the book that her friend recommended and that I also suggest you read.


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