If we don’t share the Gospel on social media, then who will?
George Calleja
George Calleja grew up in Malta and is married with two children. In 2009 he obtained his MBA through the University of Leicester.
During the years 1990 to 1996 he was a full-time missionary with ‘The International Catholic Programme for Evangelization – ICPE’ and evangelised in various countries such as Russia, Ghana, Poland, Germany, and Malta amongst others. Since 1997, he has been an active member of the Focolare Movement in Malta.
In 2012 George embarked on a mission of evangelisation through the use of various social media. His first Christian book ‘Peace and Unity in our lives – Volume One’ was published in November 2014. Since then, he has published another 15 Christian books focusing on various themes. His writings are also published in various other Christian social media, such as Laikos and Catholic365.com.
Being a dedicated Christian writer, George Calleja is actively involved in spreading the Good News through various means on social media. His writings on blogs and various prominent websites, together with his podcasts and videos, make him an example of how to evangelize in today’s society by the use of technology. His latest project of evangelization is that of providing online Christian courses.
To know more about the social networks of George Calleja and to make contact with the author, kindly check his website or listen to his podcast.
In this episode, George Calleja talks about evangelizing through social media. He talks about: -Why should we evangelize on social media? -How do you do that? -What are the challenges of evangelizing via social media? -How do you deal with negative comments and insults? -How does one sustain the ministry and themselves in full time ministry?
Why it’s important to share the Gospel on social media?
I like how George talks about all the aspects of evangelization. Being a physical missionary, he knows what it is to live the live on the field doing mission work. He also has a very active ministry online. I love how he says we must go beyond sharing what we ate and what we celebrated. There has to be more. Sharing the Gospel is just part of our great commission where Jesus says, Go and make disciples.
Moreover, he insists we should share the love of Christ with as many people as we can. Our job is to to share Christ’s love and save souls. This is often a thankless job. Often when we sow the seed of Christ in someone’s life, there will be little acknowledgement or appreciation. You will never even know, let alone see the fruit of your labor. That should not stop us from sharing Jesus.
Dealing with Hate
As a Catholic, it’s not easy to deal with all the vitriol and hate that comes with sharing Jesus online. Understand that often this comes from a place of ignorance. Being a Christian is a lifelong journey. Go easy on the people who don’t have Jesus or have not had an encounter with Him. George says, it’s important to do things with a perspective of love.
I encounter many people online or even in person, who have vague ideas about Christ but have no relationship with Jesus. It is our job as George says to share the Good News and be the vessels that carry Christ. I love how he also says we should be happy when we are persecuted and face obstacles because it means we are doing good work.
The most important thing is to keep your ministry in prayer.
George Calleja
Steps to Start your Evangelization Ministry Online
George also shares some steps. And the most important step to all of them is PRAYER. And Trust in God’s providence. If you’re planning to start, these broad steps can help.
We hope you enjoyed this podcast. Check out our podcasts on the patron of prison ministries, Keeping the Unity in the Church, and Evangelizing. If you liked this podcast, like us, leave us a comment, and share our episodes on social media with those who may benefit from it. If there is a particular saint you would like to hear about us, tell us and we’ll add him or her to our future episodes.
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Thanks for inviting me once again on your podcast. I really appreciate that.