Tracking Author Expenses

Are you tracking your expenses? A few weeks ago I  shared a post on being aware of people scamming authors for money and I didn't realize that not many authors had any idea on what or who they spent money on. Money is one of the reasons authors invest so much into marketing. Let's face … Continue reading Tracking Author Expenses

Avoid these mistakes when writing multiple POV

Are you writing your book with multiple POV?  I recently picked up a paranormal romance by a very popular author with an even bigger fan club. I won't name them. However, after reading the first pages of this book published by a big 5 publisher I had to stop. After three chapters and four points … Continue reading Avoid these mistakes when writing multiple POV

The One Inch Frame Technique

The one inch frame is a concept by Anne Lamott. I read her book Bird by bird. If you want to see how much I enjoyed reading it, check my review on Goodreads here. Anne talks about the overwhelming emotions a writer feels when at his desk feeling violently nauseous when his imagination has died, … Continue reading The One Inch Frame Technique

Songs from Under A Scottish Sky

Songs. Music and Melodies. For some reason, my readers have been especially interested in the music included in Under A Scottish Sky. There wasn't much but yes it was an integral part of the book. I even thanked the musicians in my acknowledgements because the songs were a very important part of my writing process … Continue reading Songs from Under A Scottish Sky

Authors Be Careful with your Money

Money issues, all authors have them. Especially when you're just starting out. Everyone thinks you're making bank when you put out a book without realizing how hard it can be to get all the stuff behind the scenes done, cover work, editing, and then marketing. I recently received an email from a book reviewer raving … Continue reading Authors Be Careful with your Money