There are plenty of vaccine myths. Coming from a country where access to healthcare and a lack of education results in lower vaccination rates. It's rather shocking that on the other side of the pond, the reasons for not vaccinating are a matter of choice. Vaccine Myths In NY, I've seen every exanthem I've never … Continue reading Debunking Vaccine Myths
Category: Medicine
Physician Assisted Suicide
“Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable. Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person … Continue reading Physician Assisted Suicide
Bioethics: Not all stem cell research is the same!
Last Sunday at the NY chapter meeting of the CMA, we were given a lecture by Dr. Alan Moy, MD. He's a pulmonologist and also the Director of John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute. So quick question, which of the following stem cell therapies are made from illicit/ aborted fetal stem cell lines/ chimeras? … Continue reading Bioethics: Not all stem cell research is the same!
I had this question in my inbox for a while. "What do you think about artificial intelligence in medicine?" Well, a month ago I would have scoffed at the idea. Then I interviewed Dr Richard Do, prominent radiologist at MSKCC for Radiology Today. He said something that completely shifted my mindset. "It's all about data," … Continue reading ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE-Yay or Nay
Q 26 What’s the point of CME’s (Continued Medical Education)?
I know I haven't done these in a while but I thought why not talk about CME's. My last post was a while ago. Continued medical education or CME's have been an issue for doctors everywhere. Pancreas Cancer Symposium Back in Mumbai, folks were always complaining, the event is so far, the food is horrible, … Continue reading Q 26 What’s the point of CME’s (Continued Medical Education)?
Q 25 How Can Doctors Become More Right-Brained & Creative?
"How can a doctor become more right-brained and creative?" Doctors are often considered people who use their left brain more than their right brain. The left brain is associated with logical and analytical thinking. However, the right brain is associated with artistic and creative abilities. I've talked about having hobbies and having a work-life balance … Continue reading Q 25 How Can Doctors Become More Right-Brained & Creative?