Do you need a dietitian? I received tons of emails about what I think about patients who don't follow diet advice. And that opened a whole can of worms. Should I study more? Should I hire one for the practice? Before we get into this there are a few things we must address, doctors don't … Continue reading Q 24 How Doctors Should work with a Dietitian!
Category: Medicine
I had a few questions on the GDPR and thought I'll add my two bits. So this my way of explaining how GDPR will affect you. First this isn't something new. The GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION was signed in April 2016. They allowed the whole world two years to prepare for this law that comes … Continue reading Q 23 HOW GDPR WILL AFFECT DOCTORS?
Q 22 Tax Season for Doctors
"Tax season is crazy," says Dr. SJ. "I earn from three different hospitals, I recently moved and my kids just started going to school. I've tried to hire a CA but they're too quick to jump on any large corpus and I don't trust them. Any advice?" I didn't realize tax season was so taxing … Continue reading Q 22 Tax Season for Doctors
Q 21 How can Doctors Prevent Lawsuits?
Lawsuits? I hear you. I received several questions about this in one form or the other. I don't know how to deal with litigation. But I will tell you what I've been taught from the doctors I worked with in New York in a country that is litigation happy. Document Everything This is the most … Continue reading Q 21 How can Doctors Prevent Lawsuits?
Make your Pap A Priority!
I recently wrote for about Pap Tests. For those unaware, every 7 seconds a woman dies of cervical cancer. It is the third most common cancer among women today in India. And the worst part is that it's entirely preventable. I'm sharing my post on Pap tests and hope you can read my tips … Continue reading Make your Pap A Priority!
Q 20 Listing my Private Practice on Google; Good or Bad?
Listing my private practice on Google: Good or Bad? 🙂 I received this question from Dr BS. He's quite happy with his practice and this is what he says, "I've been in practice for over ten years and I see the new kids out of training … Continue reading Q 20 Listing my Private Practice on Google; Good or Bad?