"How do you handle ladies' days on duty?" Dr. OG has a very important question. She says, "I've started a surgical residency and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to deal with ladies' days. I've spotted, stained, been caught unaware, you name it,  it has happened to me. How am I supposed to … Continue reading QMC 14 – HANDLING LADIES’ DAYS ON DUTY

QMC- 13- The Celebrity Tag & Humility

How do I stop the celebrity tag from getting to my head Dr DL has an unusual question about celebrity tags. "I'm a super-specialist. One of a kind at my institution. I've kind of developed a celebrity status. Nurses make way for me, I'm allowed ahead of the queue at the cafeteria and if I'm … Continue reading QMC- 13- The Celebrity Tag & Humility

QMC-12- Advice to new Interns

"My first day and I went crazy. Any advice?" This question cracked me up because it reminded me of my first day as a clerk. Dr. AG asks, "I just started as an intern and I feel like I don't know anything. the medical students seem to know more than me. My first day and … Continue reading QMC-12- Advice to new Interns

QMC 11- A Question about Finance

How do I make money without looting my patients? Dr. V S asked a finance question. "I'm a specialist doctor. I know many doctors charge a bomb as consultant fees. I want to know how do I make money from my practice without looting my patients?" Finance question! Wow! Who doesn't want money? Well to … Continue reading QMC 11- A Question about Finance

QMC 10 – Vaccination or no Vaccination

Dr RD wants me to make a case for vaccination. "I'm a pediatrician. I have a couple of parents who want to delay polio vaccination indefinitely. It's freaking me out, because there's no reasoning with them. I've explained to them that they're putting thousands of children at risk. But they refuse to budge. I mean … Continue reading QMC 10 – Vaccination or no Vaccination

QMC-9 Bad Attitude among Doctors

Whoa! Bad attitude among doctors. Hot button issue. I got a question from a very fresh doctor who hasn't become jaded by medicine.  So he had this question. "I notice that many doctors, especially higher up in the hierarchy have very bad attitude. Almost to the point where they assume everyone is their slave. What … Continue reading QMC-9 Bad Attitude among Doctors