QMC 4 Do doctors need to study?

Dr LC asked, "Do doctors study even while in practice and how do you go about it? Fantastic question. Any doctor worth his salt, knows he doesn't know everything. I mean the stuff we spill out in front of interns and med students, is the stuff we memorized last night or material that has been … Continue reading QMC 4 Do doctors need to study?

QMC 3 Have a suicidal medical colleague, what should I do?

I received a very important question over the week, from a doctor who has a suicidal medical colleague, asking what to do? My answer is do everything and anything. Suicidal medical colleague? The data is heartbreaking, alarming even. 400-500 doctors a year kill themselves, in the US alone. Among all professions, the percentage of physician suicides … Continue reading QMC 3 Have a suicidal medical colleague, what should I do?

QMC 2 Should I accept referral fees?

I received a question from a friend who is in FP (family practice) about a referral fee. "The specialist is offering me a referral fee, should I accept it?" My answer is no. And so is the AMA's. REFERRAL FEE "Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association (AMA)—Clinics, laboratories, hospitals, or … Continue reading QMC 2 Should I accept referral fees?

QMC 1 Questions from the Medical Community

I just read an article that said, everyone on LinkedIn, claims to be a self-professed expert. Let me just say that I'm not an expert and in medicine, no one knows everything. There are days where I feel, I don;t know anything. We learn from each other in the medical community. Just like surgery residents, … Continue reading QMC 1 Questions from the Medical Community