102 Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers

"Being a non-violent peacemaker is recalling that others are children of God even if they may have caused us harm." Eli McCarthy Who is Eli McCarthy? Eli's most recent book is “A Just Peace Ethic Primer: Building Sustainable Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence (2020), along with a previous book entitled “Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A … Continue reading 102 Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers

101 The Science of Sainthood & Mysticism

"Not only can be become saints, but this is what we were made for." Matthew Leonard Who Is Matthew Leonard? Matthew Leonard is an international speaker, author, podcaster, and founder of the Science of Sainthood, a powerful online teaching platform focused on transformative prayer and authentic spirituality. An accomplished filmmaker, he has written, produced, directed, and … Continue reading 101 The Science of Sainthood & Mysticism

100 The Example of St Joseph on being a Man

"If there's one quality that a man can start with as they imitate St. Joseph, it's humility." Duane and Carrie Daunt Who is Duane and Carrie Daunt? Duane and Carrie established Team Daunt in 1999 when they were married in the Church. They are the parents of nine energetic children and reside in Tallahassee, Florida. They are blessed with a thriving community of faithful family and … Continue reading 100 The Example of St Joseph on being a Man

99 What Christian Caregivers Should Know

"Go ahead and anticipate that you need breaks. Jesus did that too and went up the mountain to seek out God our Father. And recognize that we need to do that too." Debra Davis & Kelly Johnson Who is Debra Davis and Kelly Johnson? Deb Kelsey-Davis: Deb, as a nurse, has cared for many people. … Continue reading 99 What Christian Caregivers Should Know

98 Evangelizing Through Social Media

If we don't share the Gospel on social media, then who will? George Calleja WHO IS GEORGE CALLEJA? George Calleja grew up in Malta and is married with two children. In 2009 he obtained his MBA through the University of Leicester. During the years 1990 to 1996 he was a full-time missionary with ‘The International Catholic … Continue reading 98 Evangelizing Through Social Media

97 How to Activate the Charisms of the Holy Spirit & the Charismatic Renewal

Every morning you can wake up and call on the Holy Spirit and have an adventure. Johnny Bertucci WHO IS JOHNNY BERTUCCI? Johnny Bertucci has been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1979, when as a teenager he was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Johnny is the chairman of The Ark and The Dove … Continue reading 97 How to Activate the Charisms of the Holy Spirit & the Charismatic Renewal