"We've all stolen in little things. Little things become medium things and then they become big things. Next, you notice you're doing things you never imagined yourself doing before. Charles Johnston WHO IS CHARLES JOHNSTON? Charles Johnston Charles Johnston is a father and husband in Phoenix, Arizona. His conversion journey has taken years, as he felt … Continue reading 90 The Seventh Commandment: You Shall Not Steal
Category: Podcast
89 The 6th Commandment: You shall not Commit Adultery
When we do it in the context of God's plan for us, it is so much better. Mike Landry WHO IS MIKE LANDRY? Mike Landry Mike Landry was a teenager whose faith was awakened thanks to a parish youth ministry program launched during his high school years. Now he has spent more than twenty-four years … Continue reading 89 The 6th Commandment: You shall not Commit Adultery
88 The 5th Commandment: You Shall Not Kill
Every time a person is treated as less than a child of God, that is killing.Ansel Augustine WHO IS DR ANSEL AUGUSTINE? Dr. Ansel Augustine Dr. Ansel Augustine is the Director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries for theArchdiocese of New Orleans. He is also the Emmy Nominated Producer of the Black Faith Matters documentary. … Continue reading 88 The 5th Commandment: You Shall Not Kill
87 The 4th Commandment: Honor Your Father & Mother
The commandment to honor your father & mother is because sometimes that's very hard to do.Mark Shea WHO IS MARK SHEA? Mark Shea Mark P. Shea is a Catholic author and blogger who’s also done a spot of podcasting, acting, radio and TV work. His latest book, The Church’s Best-Kept Secret: A Primer on Catholic Social Teaching was … Continue reading 87 The 4th Commandment: Honor Your Father & Mother
86 The 3rd Commandment The Sabbath: A Call To Rest
Sunday is a day for our soul.Leon Suprenant WHO IS LEON SUPRENANT? Leon Suprenant Leon Suprenant is the former president of Catholics United for the Faith. He is the principal author of the posts appearing at the Archdiocese of Kansas blog who, with Scott Hahn, is the co-editor and contributing author of the best-selling Catholic … Continue reading 86 The 3rd Commandment The Sabbath: A Call To Rest
85 The Spirituality of Fasting
Prayer and fasting are the wings of charity.Msgr. Charles Murphy Who is Msgr. Charles Murphy? Msgr. Charles Murphy Monsignor Charles M. Murphy is the director of the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Portland, Maine. He is the author of a number of scholarly articles and several books, including The Spirituality of Fasting, At Home on the … Continue reading 85 The Spirituality of Fasting