"We can get a lot of mileage over devotions, practices, and habits over the course of their young lives that gives our children their orientation in the world, that this is who we are."Tim Muldooon Who is Tim Muldoon? Tim Muldoon Tim Muldoon (Ph.D., Catholic Systematic Theology, Duquesne University) is a theologian, author, and professor for nearly 25 … Continue reading 78 How To Reclaim Family Time?
Category: Podcast
77 Developing Integrity & Virtue in Business
"You need to love your customers if you want to run a business. Love like Christ loved us."Dr. Brian Engelland WHO IS DR. BRIAN ENGELLAND? Dr. Brian Engelland Dr. Brian Engelland is professor emeritus at two universities – Mississippi State University and most recently, The Catholic University of America. He is widely published in the … Continue reading 77 Developing Integrity & Virtue in Business
76 How To Stop Judging People
"How I treat others is a reflection of who I am. "Patti Maguire Armstrong WHO IS PATTI MAGUIRE ARMSTRONG? Patti Maguire Armstrong Patti Maguire Armstrong is a TV talk show host of Ladies of Another View and an award-winning author and journalist. She was managing editor and co-author of Ascension Press’ bestselling Amazing Grace Series. Her newest books are Holy … Continue reading 76 How To Stop Judging People
75 Being Faithful to Jesus Like St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
"The Sacred Heart Devotion as told by St. Margaret Mary is recognizing that because Jesus became a true man, has a human heart and with that human heart, He loves with a Divine Love."SR. EMILY BEATA MARSH WHO IS SR. EMILY BEATA MARSH? Sr. Emily Beata Marsh Sr Emily Beata is originally from Buffalo, NY, … Continue reading 75 Being Faithful to Jesus Like St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
74 How To Start Christian Homeschooling?
"Our goal is to help our children be ready for heaven."Susanna Spencer Who is Susanna Spencer? Susanna Spencer Susanna Spencer has a masters in theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. She is a writer and the theological editor for Blessed is She, a co-author of the children's devotional book, Rise Up: Shining in Virtue, and a regular blog … Continue reading 74 How To Start Christian Homeschooling?
73 How to Include People With Disability in the Church?
"One of the central messages of Christianity and the example of Jesus is the preferential option for the marginalized."Madeline Jarrett Who is Madeline Jarrett? Madeline Jarrett An Indiana girl at heart, Madeline graduated from the University of Notre Dame with majors in Theology & Psychology. After college, she completed an AmeriCorps service program in Chicago. … Continue reading 73 How to Include People With Disability in the Church?