Saying bye to Pennsylvania was so hard at the end of my TY year. I had made so many friends and met so many wonderful people at work, my church and the local community. My take has been that people in this state are nice and friendly for no reason. They like to talk and treat you fairly. I have shared pictured from Philly before so you check out my post on that.
Local Ice Cream shop
We had a favorite ice-cream shop. All of us hung out there. With over thirty flavors, we would just go there and stay there with our ice cream for hours. Every time I was here, it was just pure joy. Each time I was here with different people and there never was a day that I didn’t have fun.
St Patrick’s
The goodness of God at St. Patrick’s was immeasurable. The first thing my mom noticed when we visited this parish, was how welcoming the community was here. We visited two other parishes before we finally settled here. By the week I was leaving, our parish priest was also leaving. It was so sad! I made friends here. People who were concerned when I missed a weekend mass. There were folks who asked where my mom was when she traveled home. This is a warm welcoming parish. I even dragged my colleagues here. My senior Sally pictured above loved this church too!
Kelly Drive
I went just once here and I wished I had learned of it sooner to go for walks and sit by the water. I came here for a walk with my co-resident and we enjoyed more ice-cream while enjoying the walking trains and some badminton. There are lots of young people on the trails. So you can meet lots of new people here. (Dating tip for the ladies, come here.) Plus, the place is quiet and well-kept. You occasionally see deer. I did.

I don’t know how I ended up at the arcade. I came here with my co-resident. Sal and I spent a good chunk of time and money playing the games at the arcade. So much fun and something I highly recommend when you’re having a stressful week.
King of Prussia
I think once I figured how to get to KOP, I was there almost every week. Not to shop but to get my steps in. It’s a huge mall with so many things to look it. I loved coming here. I was guaranteed 10,000 steps. There are lots of brands and stores. You can find whatever you’re looking for.
My Program
Saying bye to my program was probably the hardest. The last months, I had gotten so used to everything, the staff, the cafeteria, the surgical teams, ER, and our attendings. But over all, my colleagues. We had a good cohort. Our group was so close. As soon as we matched last year, we started talking and then everyone just helped each other out. I didn’t have a car for the whole year but my colleagues were always kind enough to drop me home during the winter. The support was phenomenal through the difficult soap season. Every single resident wrote, called and contacted people to get me through. And my program director and faculty went above and beyond to ensure they got me to the best place. It is only by God’s grace that I was blessed with these people. I couldn’t have asked for better. I truly miss all these people.
IM & TY Graduation
Party time! Our last week had lots of fun times. We had all our festivities split into the ceremony in the morning and then a gala in the evening! These are some of my colleagues from that day!
I have a ton of pics and they won’t get uploaded here, so will add them to a YT video! Stay tuned.
Who knows, one day I might be back! I’ve had so much fun here and learned so much! Saying bye has been so hard! Until we meet again.
Wishing you all the best with your future. Take care and always trust in HIM.