Q 25 How Can Doctors Become More Right-Brained & Creative?

"How can  a doctor become more  right-brained and creative?" Doctors are often considered people who use their left brain more than their right brain. The left brain is associated with logical and analytical thinking. However, the right brain is associated with artistic and creative abilities. I've talked about having hobbies and having a work-life balance … Continue reading Q 25 How Can Doctors Become More Right-Brained & Creative?

Q 24 How Doctors Should work with a Dietitian!

Do you need a dietitian? I received tons of emails about what I think about patients who don't follow diet advice. And that opened a whole can of worms. Should I study more? Should I hire one for the practice? Before we get into this there are a few things we must address, doctors don't … Continue reading Q 24 How Doctors Should work with a Dietitian!


I had a few questions on the GDPR and thought I'll add my two bits. So this my way of explaining how GDPR will affect you. First this isn't something new. The GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION was signed in April 2016. They allowed the whole world two years to prepare for this law that comes … Continue reading Q 23 HOW GDPR WILL AFFECT DOCTORS?

Have you heard of ZDoggMD?

Four years ago, my boss showed me a YouTube video of ZDoggMD, a doctor creating music videos to create awareness about various health problems. It was fun, refreshingly honest and quite sarcastic. Needless to say, he used popular songs to highlight health issues and the parodies were hilarious.   Here's an example on the opioid … Continue reading Have you heard of ZDoggMD?


"How do you handle ladies' days on duty?" Dr. OG has a very important question. She says, "I've started a surgical residency and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to deal with ladies' days. I've spotted, stained, been caught unaware, you name it,  it has happened to me. How am I supposed to … Continue reading QMC 14 – HANDLING LADIES’ DAYS ON DUTY

QMC 6 What to do if a colleague has an addiction?

I received this question without any additional details and it's perfectly understandable, but it would've helped to know a few details. My first question would be to what? All of us are addicted to something. Some to coffee, mobile phones, the internet, exercise, and then the usual bad guys drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. An ugly … Continue reading QMC 6 What to do if a colleague has an addiction?