28 Ten Steps to Help you Discern your Vocation

"God writes straight with crooked lines." Fr. Christian Raab on Vocation. Fr. Christian Raab hails originally from Michigan City, IN. After graduating from Indiana University with a degree in history and religious studies, he taught history and theology at St. Benedict High School in Chicago, IL. During this time, he earned an MA degree from … Continue reading 28 Ten Steps to Help you Discern your Vocation

Episode 8 – How to build a good Christian Marriage?

"To exclude God from marriage would be foolish." Mary Kate Sparrow is a wife and a mother to four sons ages 6-14. She has been married to her husband, Justin, for 16 years and together they have helped prepare well over one thousand couples for the Sacrament of Marriage for the Diocese of Arlington in … Continue reading Episode 8 – How to build a good Christian Marriage?


If you've been to listening to our podcasts, then you've heard my tentative release date. My book is out for pre-order, now It's confirmed! July 6, 2017 is our official publication date. I'm so happy, because despite all the obstacles I can see God's hand working behind the scenes. He's led me to the right … Continue reading PRE-ORDER NOW! TEN REMINDERS FOR THE SINGLE CHRISTIAN WOMAN