The things that we love tell us what we are.
Thomas Aquinas
Charles Johnston is a father and husband in Phoenix, Arizona. His conversion journey has taken years, as he felt God pulling him toward His Church but he
In this episode, I talk to Charles about St. Thomas Aquinas and his huge body of work in the field of theology.
He explains:
-How Thomas became a great thinker.
-The evidence of science supporting the existence of God
-The mystical visions St. Thomas Aquinas received
-Where and how you can read St. Thomas Aquinas’ work.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Now about today’s podcast, this will seem like a very heavy episode and it’s only because Charles is a big fan of Thomas Aquinas as he informs in the episode. Aquinas has quite a following because his teaching forms the core of Catholic theology.
Charles has also mentioned a number of books that you can read when it comes to Aquinas and I’m going to share them below, in case you feel interested in reading further on this great saint, his discourse and debates on faith and reason.
Other Books mentioned in this podcast:
- That Nothing Might be Lost by Paul Scalia
- Heaven Starts Now by Fr John Riccardo
For all our listeners, please recommend this podcast to people who defend the faith, apologetics and those involved in debate with the atheists. Thomas Aquinas life-long work and mission was to convince people about the existence of God. As a Dominican friar his charism was to study and preach. If you feel a calling towards the Dominican ministry then you can write to them here.
Thomas Aquinas on knowledge